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Dagger: Showdown and Outlaw

Dagger's year 2000 new mid-season boats: the Showdown and Outlaw.

Dagger in response to customer feedback have designed a series of boats for the paddler who wants to play and run the river too, with the Outlaw and the Showdown. At 230 and 215 cms, there is tons of scope to get every hit down the river. A super loose yet usable hull means that you get to surf it up and spin it apart with little consideration for why couldn't I do this before.

Tons of foot room and comfortable for those all day sessions, still with quick tapered ends with low volume for end over end cartwheeling and cleaning them is a breeze, let that extra volume around you keep your balance whilst the slicy ends do the work. An adapted hull from the already successful Ultrafuge and Centrifuge: spin, grind, blunt, it's your choice.

A lenghter tail gives good run out for acceleration and drivability. The smashed bow allows for quick cartwheel initiation and round houses in a snap. If you are a typical one-boat-buyer there is little to complain about these boats other than the ability to get your hands on one.

see you out there,

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Originally published on PLAYAK.COM on May 28 2000

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