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9 results - showing 1 - 9  
Hips - _HIPSenglDVDcoverSmall_1291645348
5373   0   3   0   0  
Francesco Salvato has dedicated his life to the kayak and descended the rivers of all 5 continents. Much in demand as a teacher, his 30 years of experience have been concentrated in this video.
5.0 (1)
Genotype - 7643_genocover_1277490695
2009   0   1   0   0  
Genotype Video, Elemental WW Instructional
0.0 (0)
Genetic - 7640_geneticblank_1277488086
2105   0   1   0   0  
Genetic DVD; Progressive White Water.
0.0 (0)
Genes - 7639_genescover_1277487721
2114   0   1   0   0  
Genes DVD; Advanced White Water.
0.0 (0)
Genotype 2 - 7638_geno2cover150_1277487174
3400   0   1   0   0  
Genotype 2 DVD, the Fundamental Core
0.0 (0)
Liquid Skills [VHS] - 416HZM2A5TL
2619   0   1   0   0  
Whether you've just started your tour into the world of whitewater, or you're an experienced paddler looking to polish up your technique, this is the video for you.
0.0 (0)
Searching for the Pro State - 6999_ProState_1275138771
2279   0   1   0   0  
Another creative work from TJ Walker, this one is a freestyle instructional with the latest moves. Narrated by Corran Addisson, with the moves primarily demonstrated by Steve Fisher, this fast paced tape covers a pile of moves.
0.0 (0)
EJ's River Running: Advanced Whitewater Kayak DVD - 418S9R8KPBL
3387   0   1   0   0  
Finally, you can prepare yourself properly to run class 3, 4, and 5 whitewater BEFORE you run it! Let three time World Freestyle Champion, Extreme Champion, and Olympic slalom racer, Eric Jackson show you the right way to do approach your river running.
0.0 (0)
Kayak Essentials - 5227_SNAG0015_1265187143
5162   0   3   0   0  
If you’re new to kayaking, this DVD will help you to learn the key skills for the exciting world of paddlesport. White water, surf or sea kayak – the core principles introduced here will be solid foundations to develop advanced performance.
0.0 (0)
9 results - showing 1 - 9  

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