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Path: » The Playak Factor » Slater Trout » 2016
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Discipline: All - Whitewater Kayak - SUP - Fish

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The Playak Factor - Slater Trout 2016

Slater Trout

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Playak Factor November 2016: 0 points.

Relative: 0.0% of top scorer. Average: 0.0 points per day.

Brands: Boardworks, FCS, Infinity Surfboards

Date Category Site Headlines
Nov 23 Social ... ...
Nov 23 News ... ...
Nov 18 Social ... ...
Nov 16 Social ... ...
Nov 13 Social Instagram Deep within the heart of man is a hunger, a need for exploration. Modern day life and its many conveniences have suppressed our curiosity and adventurous spirit. We've traded the outdoors and fresh air for social networks and smart devices and binge watching. Yet there are some who have embraced the spirit of exploration, to lead the charge and go to places both known and unknown. If there is one athelete that I would classify as being an outdoors man and the embodiment of the frontier spirit it's Slater Trout. Gifted as an athlete he also has a love for adventure and exploration and a deep respect for the outdoors. He has embraced SUP not only as a means to make a name for himself but also as a means to go see what is out there, from missions to Iceland or self sustained SUP trips up the California coast, or when she was around spending time with his beloved Tina the great white shark he leads a life that many of us yearn for. For all his skill and ability he is the most down to earth guy with not even an ounce of ego. Not only a gifted athelete but also a gifted photographer, probably the reason why I feel I can relate to him on a very small level. I've always appreciated his ability to use SUP as a way to explore which the big thing that drew me to it in the first place. In an age where we spend so much of our time with our heads down looking at our phones we need people like Slater to remind us that there is a much bigger and beautiful world out there. To inspire us to have courage to answer that call of the outdoors when it beckons us to go. As John Muir once famously said 'the mountains are calling and I must go' thank you @slatertrout for your continuing example to embrace an outdoor life. #california #ppg2016 #ppgportraits #pacificpaddlegames #athelete #sup #standuppaddle #supconnect #paddleboarding #supexplore #supthemag #danapoint #dohenystatebeach #fluxphotosup #infinityspeedfreaks #paddlelikeafreak #infinitysup
Nov 13 Social Instagram 'If you want to go #fast, go #alone. If you want to go #far, go #together' Infinity SUP Giorgio Gomez Candice Appleby Slater Trout Dave Boehne #jlid #jliddistribution #jlidteam #infinitySUP #Whiplash #Blackfish #standuppaddle #sup #team #infinitysupteam #paddlelikeafreak #sea #love #passion #development
Nov 13 Social Instagram #battleofthepaddle #onitpro #championstrustonitpro @conbax @chuckpatterson @slatertrout @_mattbecker @rkn808 #growingup #suprace #supperformance #rainbowsandals

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