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Path: » The Playak Factor » Larry Cain » 2017
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The Playak Factor - Larry Cain 2017

Larry Cain

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Playak Factor June 2017: 0 points.

Relative: 0.0% of top scorer. Average: 0.0 points per day.

Brands: Quickblade

Date Category Site Headlines
Jun 9 Social Instagram Check out the new post from Coach Larry Cain. ⠀ 'When you’re a super enthusiastic trainer and have a good work ethic, you’ll pretty much be willing to train every day. You recognize that hard work pays off and generally separates you from those that aren’t prepared to work as hard. You’ve probably seen this in other areas of your life as well. Hard work pays off in business; it also pays off if you want to learn how to play a musical instrument. No matter what you’re doing, you can’t rely solely on talent and expect to be a great success. On the other hand you can overcome a lack of natural talent and become hugely successful if you’re willing to pay the price by working hard.⠀ That said, working blindly without direction can be inefficient and counterproductive. As an athlete you need a well thought-out program, which we’ve talked about before. Having a well-planned, properly periodized program can help you get maximum return from the time and effort you invest in your sport, and it can help prevent you from doing too much and overtraining, setting yourself back in the process. However even those on really good programs occasionally need to take a break and miss a workout or two.⠀ Before going any further, let me be perfectly clear that I’m not talking about missing a training session because you have a meeting at work or have to babysit the kids. These are realities of just about every adult’s life and, from time to time, we can’t avoid them. ⠀ Instead what I’m talking about here is missing a session, even if you have time to do it, because it is the right thing to do.' ⠀ ⠀ Read the full post including Classic signs of over-reaching in training and how to avoid overtraining. Read the full article in POSTS. You can also search for 'How Do I Know When to Miss a Workout?' ⠀ ⠀ Basic and All-Access members can read this and any of the hundreds of other posts and videos on Paddle Monster. ⠀ ⠀ Join today at #trainingworks #paddlemonster #pdlmnstr #fitness #training #paddle #paddleboarding #paddleboard #standuppaddleboard #standuppaddleboarding #surfski #kayak #sup #outrigger #OC

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