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Path: » The Playak Factor » Kokatat » 2018
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Discipline: All - Whitewater Kayak - SUP - Fish

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The Playak Factor - Kokatat 2018


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Playak Factor December 2018: 176 points.

Relative: 31.4% of top scorer. Average: 5.9 points per day.

Date Category Site Headlines
Dec 28 Videos ... ...
Dec 28 News ... ...
Dec 28 Social ... ...
Dec 27 Forums ... ...
Dec 27 Social ... ...
Dec 24 Social ... ...
Dec 24 Social ... ...
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Dec 22 Forums ... ...
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Dec 14 Social ... ...
Dec 14 Social ... ...
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Dec 12 Social ... ...
Dec 11 Forums ... ...
Dec 11 Forums ... ...
Dec 9 Forums ... ...
Dec 9 Forums ... ...
Dec 9 Forums ... ...
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Dec 9 Forums ... ...
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Dec 4 Social ... ...
Dec 4 Social ... ...
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Dec 3 Social ... ...
Dec 3 Forums ... ...
Dec 3 Social ... ...
Dec 3 Social ... ...
Dec 3 Social ... ...
Dec 3 Social Instagram ・ ・ 遠出はせずに地元の海への釣行° ・ 午前中は良く行くホームに行くも無反応、午後からは場所を変えて再度挑戦° 外海は偏光越しにベイトボールが回遊してるのが見える…と思った矢先、友達がハマチを釣り上げた❗️ ・ 「ええなー、ええなー°」言うてたら、自分の竿にもゴツンとアタリ‼️ 竿がグングン引き込まれて、なかなか良さそうなサイズ。 更に追いアワセを入れて、ゴリ巻き〜° ・ 正直、これは貰った❗️って思った瞬間、ルアーだけ飛んできてテトラに激突° 何でバレるねん思って確認してみると、フックが根元から無い…。 リングも開いた形跡も無いし、フックも錆びたりとかはしてなかったのに° ・ 細軸のフックに対して、ドラグもキツ目に設定していたとはいえ、何だかなぁ…。 その後はベイトボールも消え、僅か5分の時合い終了° ・ ・ 夜は地元にて開催された、季節外れの花火大会を見て、釣れなかった哀しみを癒してきました(笑) ・ ・ ・ #181201 #青物 #ヒラマサ #鰤 #ハマチ #カンパチ #釣り #釣り好き #高砂花火大会 #nightfantasyillusion #ショアプラッギング #ロックショア #Deceive #Hiropen #Hiropop #yamagablanks #ripplefisher  #RunnerExceed #SHIMANO  #STELLA #mcworks #Kokatat #ASTRAL #patagonia #snowpeak #finetrack #UZUoutfits #fin_ch #Gopro #Goproのある生活
Dec 3 Social Instagram One of our most essential pieces of gear for downwind guiding in the mighty Columbia River Gorge. Speaking from experience, most inflatable PDFs do not provide enough floatation if you happen to get separated from your board here in the fierce wind and breaking waves. Leashes and leash ties can and do fail, especially in winds exceeding 40kts. The inherently buoyant design of our @kokatatusa Pfds function 100% of the time and do not require deployment. They are incredibly comfortable and have tons of pockets for emergency gear and accessories. We don’t guide without them. . . . . . . . . . . . . #boundbywater #gobecauseyoucan #gear #kokatat #smart #equipment #aca #pfd #lovetheconditions #giftideas #functional #downwindhoodriver #stokeonthewater #downwind #hoodriver #fueledbystoke #optoutside #outdoors #getoutandplay #downwinder #sup #standuppaddling #standuppaddleboarding #paddleboard #columbiagorge #inspirehighfives #inspireawesomeexperiences
Dec 3 Social Instagram Fingers °°#cataracts2019 #california #kern #jacksonkayak #kokatat #wernerpaddles #sierrasouth
Dec 3 Social Instagram Style tip: neon trucker hat beneath your helmet combines fashion & function. #cuwk #ivyleaguewhitewater #columbiauniversity #ivyleague #whitewater #whitewaterkayaking #paddling #wernerpaddles #kokatat #daggerkayaks #astralpfd #levelsix #mylevelsix #collegeoutside °: @ivyleaguewhitewater
Dec 3 Social Instagram The face you make when you see white water #senditsammy #kayak #whitewaterface #scotland #midweeksend #kokatat #kayaksession #deeside #smilelikeyoumeanit
Dec 3 Social Instagram Great little park and play at Lepe with Matt @mapandpaddle and friends yesterday, wind against tide over the spit gave us some nice conditions to play in. #southcoastcanoes #phseakayaks #streamlytepaddles #seakayaksurfing #kokatat #whitecappaddlers #paddlesportdesigns
Dec 3 Social Instagram Look more often to the north. Go to the wind, you get redder cheek. Find the untidy path. Hold it It's shorter. North is the best. Winter flame sky, summer night's solar miracle. Go to the wind. Cleave mountains. Look north. More often. It is far this country. Most of them are north Rolf Jakobsen #lendalna #expeditionpaddler #kokatat #rockpoolkayaksofficial #jeffallenkayaker #senja #kvaloya #norway #activetromso #seakayakingcornwall #bjørnskajakk
Dec 3 Social Instagram Quick trip to meat market this morning. #rockfish #lingcod #cabezon #radar135 #wildyfishing #kayakfishing #freshfish #kokatat #kayakcityfishingteam
Dec 2 Social Instagram Trips and test paddles everyday until Christmas Eve. Fully stocked retail location with some great gifts for paddlers and the outdoor enthusiast. #savannahcanoeandkayak #414bonaventure #wilmingtonriver #paddleboarding #fun #fitness #boardworks #sup #kokatat #intothewater #nrs #accentpaddles #astralbouyancy @floatonbouy ° @benjaminfontenot
Dec 2 Social Instagram One of the many beautiful polished bedrock gorges on the #riomargua The slabs of earth that made up these gorges were all angled downstream which made for great whitewater. On another note, I read that the Trans-Andean pipleline that runs from the Amazon basin, near Venezuela, to the Caribbean has been attacked once every 4 days this year - the most since 2001. It was bombed twice this month in Toledo which is upstream of the Putin and spilled its contents into the river. Last year Ben and I stumbled in to a rogue “Cocina del Crudo”, on another river, where traffickers siphon the oil off to process coca. We had to hike through the oil-covered jungle camp and got our gear and boats covered in the black sludge, which is seen in the second pic on our boats. #colombianpeaceprocess #kokatat #firstdescent ° @julesdomine
Dec 2 Forums NorCal Kayak Anglers Re: kokatat super nova angler H3 semi dry suit size xl $350
Dec 2 Social Instagram #ndkromany #seakayakinguk #norskpadling #vestfoldguide #palmequipment #wernerpaddles #sweetprotection #paddlingmixtape #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram #haghighi-turn #edging #teknikktrening #honingskills #ndkromany #seakayakinguk #wernerpaddles #reedchillcheater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram Playground ! °°°. Loving it ! °°@olesvane @heidigrimnes @eskilbjorno #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #palmequipment #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram #kayakpirouett #divedivedive #kayaksurf #whatarush #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #palmequipment #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram Støttetak med mening°°° #whatarush #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #palmequipment #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram #bolgefestivalen #roughwatersymposium #bolgefestivalen #roughwatersymposium #roughwaters @ken.henry.johnsen @espjohnsen @heidigrimnes #whatarush #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #palmequipment #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram #bolgefestivalen #roughwatersymposium #roughwaters @ken.henry.johnsen @espjohnsen @heidigrimnes #whatarush #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #palmequipment #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram Av og til må ting repareres underveis °° foto: Bjørn Arild Hauglin #bolgefestivalen #roughwatersymposium #roughwaters @ken.henry.johnsen @heidigrimnes @sindrehauglin #whatarush #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #palmequipment #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram Vi hadde ei flott helg på Norges største padlefestival #bolgefestivalen hos @eianfritid - ses neste år° #bolgefestivalen #roughwatersymposium #roughwaters @ken.henry.johnsen @heidigrimnes @espjohnsen #whatarush #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #palmequipment #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #astralwhitewater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram Bursdagsfeiring slik det burde være ! Birthdayparty as it should be! #roughwaters @ken.henry.johnsen @heidigrimnes @espjohnsen @olesvane #whatarush #olympiasportas #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #eianfritid #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #astralwhitewater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram #roughwaters #roughwatersymposium @ken.henry.johnsen @heidigrimnes @espjohnsen @olesvane #whatarush #olympiasportas #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #astralwhitewater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram Vi har vel hatt det verre ! @olesvane @heidigrimnes @ken.henry.johnsen Siste helga på #videregåendekurs #npf #4starassesment #roughwaters #whatarush #olympiasportas #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #eianfritid #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #astralwhitewater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram A fun day chasing the surf... @ken.henry.johnsen @michael_ziggy @espjohnsen #kajakksurf #norskpadling #npf #whatarush #olympiasportas #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #eianfritid #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #astralwhitewater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram ・ ・ アラームセットし忘れで、起きたの5:45くらい° 波が残ってる予報+釣れる可能性低いとなると、目覚ましセットも雑になってきますな° ・ 地元の海にいくか、日本海に行くか悩んだけど、やっぱり日本海へ(笑) 案の定、波高いし° ちょっとした湾で2時間ほど素振りして終了。 行き帰りの車の時間の方が長いし(笑) ・ 無駄に時間と交通費を使った気もするが、まぁそれもエエか〜° ・ ・ 帰りに『ともしび』でカレーを食べて、地元の海を覗きに行って帰宅❗️ ・ ・ ・ #181130 #青物 #ヒラマサ #鰤 #ハマチ #カンパチ #釣り #釣り好き #日本海 #ロックショア #ショアプラッギング #Deceive #Hiropen #Hiropop  #yamagablanks #ripplefisher  #RunnerExceed #SHIMANO  #STELLA #mcworks #Kokatat #ASTRAL #patagonia #snowpeak #finetrack #UZUoutfits #fin_ch #Gopro #Goproのある生活
Dec 2 Social Instagram Le passioni sono difetti o virtù, solamente se portate all'estremo. °° #kayak #kayakpassion #kayakadventure #kayaklove #kayaking #whitewaterkayaking #kayakadventure #nature #naturephotography #pollinonationalpark #laoriver #raftingadventurelao #daggerkayaks #daggeraxiom #kokatat #levelsix #wernerpaddles #sweetprotection #gopro
Dec 2 Social Instagram Søndagstur° med @olesvane farderbrottkru #tbno #npf #whatarush #olympiasportas #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #eianfritid #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #astralwhitewater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram Kayak season! #demonsaves #kayaking #whitewater #whitewaterkayaking #fishsteps #exmooe #riverbarle #playboat #playspot #freestyle #playboaying #playboater #pyranha #pyranhajed #kokatat #vepaddles #winterkayaking #sweetprotection #boof #sendi #stayactive #adventure #getoutthere #exploring #exploringbyriver
Dec 2 Social Instagram Søndagstur° @ken.henry.johnsen @olesvane #4starassesment #farderbrottkru #npf #whatarush #olympiasportas #paddlingmixtape #nigeldenniskayaks #eianfritid #wernerpaddles #færdernasjonalpark #norskpadling #brottpadling #rockhopping #vestfoldguide #seakayakinguk #tbno #reedchillcheater #astralwhitewater #kokatat
Dec 2 Social Instagram Tb to one year ago when @quimfontane became World Champion, still feels surreal and like a dream! Super proud of you! #intothewater #kokatat #tb #icffreestyle #worldchampionships #brother #proud sister #argentina #sanjuan #1year
Dec 2 Social Instagram A few years ago I built a skin on frame Iqyax with Anders Thygesen, it was one of the most satisfying things I’d done in paddle sport, I spent several weeks using the Iqyax to guide from and it was a joy. Tonight I saw a post by Ørgen Karlsen on a SOF he built and it reminded me what a joy it was to paddle a kayak built by your own hands. Not that I’d trade my Taran 16 on a long journey but it certainly was and is ‘fit for purpose’ #andersthygesen #sof #senja #orgenkarlsen #kvaloya #kokatat #lendalna #rockpooltaran
Dec 2 Social Instagram A little #memories shot from #brierisland in #novascotia as I patiently wait for my turn on the Slocum corner wave ! Such a great memory ! #mypaddlestory #paddlingmixedtape #kayaking #kayakingadventures #kayak #seakayak #getoutside #getoutsideandplay #cdkayak #nimbuspaddles #salusproto #kokatat #kokatatusa @nimbus_paddles #nimbuswhitewalker Photo credit @cloud9kayak
Dec 1 Social Instagram #babyfalls#whitewater #Tellico#kayaklife#class 3 and 4 plus #backcountry #kayak #kayaking #kayaklifestyl #extreme #wildriver #sendit #extremekayaking #brotrip#tennessee #cawboys #chattanooga #kokatat #nrs #americanwhitewater #waterfall @jackson.kayak #cherokeenationalforest #wernerpaddles @eskimokayaks #nashville ° @felizdik
Dec 1 Social Instagram Warning ⚠️ Exciting language this was the Chaos after the baby falls very adrenaline pumping trip couldn’t ask for a better crew to do it with then @felizdik @drnowwa us fools came out alive with just a couple of Bumps and bruises and one broken toe °° #whitewaterkayaking #tellicoriver #kayak #mylife #extreme #sendit#wernerpaddles #cawboys #chattanooga #kokatat #nrs #americanwhitewater #cherokeenationalforest @eskimokayaks @jackson.kayak #tennesse#nashville ° @felizdik
Dec 1 Social Instagram °°°° oh shit scouting big things in the future with @felizdik class V homie °° need rain lots °#cherokeenationalforest #baldriver #eskimokayak #jacksonkayaks #kokatat #nrs #wernerpaddles #wildriver #nashville
Dec 1 Social Instagram Final day of two weeks in the ISKGA Guide training program in Kinsale and Roaring Water Bay Area of West Cork. What a great time we had, the Wild Atlantic Way is a world class venue for sea kayaking, here Eileen Murphy is utilising the reversing Tidal Rapid of Lough Hyne to teach flow drills, breaking in and out of eddies, gigantinormous seas on the outside forced us to explore options and they were many....... #wildatlanticway #kokatat #lendalna #expeditionpaddler #rockpoolkayaksofficial #jeffallenkayaker #kinsaleoutdoors #oceanguide #shearwaterseakayaking
Dec 1 Social Instagram Cold canyon days provide new sources of entertainment. #whereisthegym #grandcanyon #rafting #nrs #kokatat

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