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Path: » The Playak Factor » Katherine Pyne » 2017
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Discipline: All - Whitewater Kayak - SUP - Fish

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The Playak Factor - Katherine Pyne 2017

Katherine Pyne

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Playak Factor October 2017: 3 points.

Relative: 0.5% of top scorer. Average: 0.1 points per day.

Brands: Surftech

Date Category Site Headlines
Oct 29 Social Standup Journal FB This is how to rock that podium: Kim Hillhouse, winner of this year's Chattajack 31 for the female elite takes a moment of appreciation for her draft partner Katherine Pyne for a long and arduous race. Kim reports: 'We didn't talk much other than to call off switching draft positions and yelling at the stinking weather. It rained nearly the entire race. As the temperatures continued to plummet, our fingers and toes were nearly frozen. It was so hard to pull up along side her about a mile and a 1/2 from the finish and go it on our own. 'This is fair, right?' Saying the race was brutal is an understatement. My fingers are still numb. I am beyond excited that my Chattanooga Sup bestie Hannah Aker Elrod came in with a strong 3rd!' Deep respect to the gals who celebrate each other in moments like this. Thanks for keeping it real. #StandupforWomen Chattajack 31

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