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Pau Hana Surf Supply

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Pau Hana Surf Supply - _kayak0398_1312117988

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+1 800 910 9161


Pau Hana Surf Supply provides materials distribution and third party logistics to vendors in the surfboard construction and the surf related industry. Pau Hana carries a full line of surfboard "Blanks" from Bennett, KingMac, Homeblown, American Blanks, and Marko. With will call locations in California, Hawaii, Florida, Washington, Massachusetts, and New York, Pau Hana ships goods and finished boards from point to point for various manufactures, labels, and retailers. Pau Hana Surf Supply also researches, designs, manufactures, rides, and tests all of its stand up paddle boards, adhering to a rigorous iterative development strategy. The Pau Hana Surf Supply design team continuously innovates and improves models based on feed back from new riders, surf schools, industry veteran shapers, glassers, and the editors of various stand up paddle surfing publications. Pau Hana believes that a team based approach to all of its design processes produces superior results and exceptional performance. Because after the work is done, Pau Hana time is all about the ride.

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