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Adventure Kayaking: Cape Cod & Martha's Vineyard

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Adventure Kayaking: Cape Cod & Martha's Vineyard - _adv-kayaking-cape-cod-1361908208

Book Info

Release Date
June 15, 2001
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Discover what the Pilgrims missed when they moved to Plymouth after landing on Cape Cod. Explore the numerous bays, ponds, harbors, marshes, and tidal creeks of this New England treasure. In the expanded second edition of this classic book, author David Weintraub adds kayaking adventure off Martha Vineyard's shores. From one-hour trips to all-day excursions, kayakers of every skill level will find a route to explore. Trip descriptions, maps, launch sites, and driving directions, plus nearby historical and scenic attractions: this book is a must-have guide to the solitude and beauty of these regions.

David Weintraub is a writer, editor, and photographer based in South Carolina and Cape Cod, Massachusetts. A former long-time resident of San Francisco, he authored six guidebooks to the hiking trails of the San Francisco Bay Area and the Monterey/Santa Cruz area. He also wrote a guide to kayaking on Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard, which is in its second edition. His photography career includes photojournalism for daily newspapers, corporate and magazine assignments, and nature photography. He also edits non-fiction books for a number of different publishers.

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