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A Canoeing & Kayaking Guide to the Ozarks

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A Canoeing & Kayaking Guide to the Ozarks - _ck-ozarks-cover-p-1361999191

Book Info

Release Date
April 13, 2004
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Though it sports a new name and look, A Canoeing & Kayaking Guide to Ozarks, 3rd (formerly Ozark Whitewater) is still the definitive guide to whitewater in the Ozarks. Fifteen years after it was first published, this book continues to bring paddlers the best of Ozark streams: from classics rivers, such as the Buffalo National and Little Missouri to steep creeks like Bryant and Turkey. The ultimate guide to paddling whitewater in the Ozarks, A Canoeing & Kayaking Guide to the Ozarks, 3rd (formerly Ozark Whitewater) has guided boaters to the best water in the area for years. Inside, boaters will find expanded and updated information for the classic rivers as well as for the extreme creeks. Also included is information vital to all paddlers, beginner and expert alike: information on clubs and organizations, state water trails, and national and scenic rivers. Ratings and descriptions include topographic maps, country locations, gauges, difficulty ratings, drop/distances, run times, water quality, and much more.

Tom Kennon began paddling in 1974 and wrote his first book in 1978, Arkansas Whitewater Rivers, after gathering information about rivers in Arkansas due to the lack of information about paddling in the area. In 1988 Ozark Whitewater expanded the original book to a more comprehensive description of rivers in the Ozarks.

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