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Wave Destroyer 13

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Wave Destroyer 13 - _Screen Shot 2012-04-17 at 4.01.42-pm-1334671177
Wave Destroyer 13 - _Screen Shot 2012-04-17 at 4.01.23-pm-1334671177
Wave Destroyer 13 - 11982_Screen Shot 2012-04-17 at 4.05.18-pm-1334671276

Short Facts


2021 E. Wilson Lane
ID 83642

Phone: +1 800-247-3432

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

396 cms / 13'0"
29.9 kg / 66 lbs
AIRE pro-staffers logged numerous miles during the spring and summer of 2006 on the North Fork of the Payette perfecting new cataraft designs with experienced boaters in mind. With the assistance of expert catarafter Mark Cramer, the AIRE boat design team created the new Wave Destroyer specifically for taking on steep and technical Class V whitewater.
Summer of 2011 The Wave Destroy 13 was in product testing and design. We reduced the tube diameter size to 21" to keep the boat light and sporty. This Cataraft changes you local class III - IV section of whitewater into a playground of possibilities. The Wave Destroyer 13 tested great on narrow, steep, creeky rivers such as June Creek in Oregon.

The Wave Destroyer 13 is for you if:
• You are experienced on the oars and want a boat that is just as enthusiastic about tackling Class IV-V whitewater as you are
• You want a small Cataraft because the water you run is tight and technical
• You like lots of rocker!

• Outer PVC Shell
• AIREcell System
• Welded Seams
• Continuous Curve
• Double Zipper
• Leafield B7 Valves
• 16 D-Rings
• 4 Handles
• Chafe Strip

Load Capacity: 850lbs.
Tube Diameter: 21"
Air Chambers: 4
Bow/Stern Rise: 32"
Base Fabric: 1670
Waterline: 86"
Material Weight Oz/Yd: 35/43

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